Network Circle
ACCESS Open Minds Indigenous Youth Mental Health and Wellness Network Members, Partners and Values
Our vision is to build a strong, dynamic, and lasting network based on trust, cultural knowledge, and shared learning. This network will help improve and support youth mental health and wellness services that are meaningful and effective for Indigenous young people. It will also advocate for better services and supports.
Our network already includes over 120 Indigenous youth, Elders, Knowledge Holders, families, community members, service providers, leaders, national organizations, and researchers. It also includes allied researchers, service providers, decision-makers, and other networks. We will keep building new partnerships to reach more First Nations, Métis, and Inuit organizations, youth, Knowledge Holders, and community partners across the country.
Within the outside circle are the network’s values, inspired by the 4Rs Guiding Principles for Indigenous Research (cite), AOM Indigenous Youth Mental Health and Wellness Network’s Advisory Circle members, and the workshop at CIHR’s Integrated Youth Services (IYS) Learning Health Summit (LHS) Summit in Winnipeg. These values also came together and are reflected in a paper under review (Melro et al). Networks are dynamic and living and will change over time as we grow and learn from each other. This graphic representation of the network’s members, partners, and values reflects who we are now.
*Ways of the Heart Youth Council
**Examples: First Peoples Wellness Circle, Thunderbird Partnership Foundation, 2Spirits in Motion Society (2SiMS)
***Examples: Dilico Anishinabek Family Care, Hull Services