UPCOMING WEBINAR: COVID-19: Navigating Post-Secondary Education & Youth Mental Health

May 5, 2020|News

Through our upcoming webinar series, ACCESS Open Minds (OM) is helping to create space for important conversations to flourish with regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic and youth mental health. The upcoming webinar series will showcase panelists with diverse perspectives and are open to anyone including youth, clinicians, researchers, policy makers and the general public.

Our first webinar in the series will be on the topic of youth mental health and post-secondary education. The idea is to explore the challenges, the opportunities for addressing those challenges, and to provide recommendations as we go forward.

The webinar will also be streamed live on the ACCESS Open Minds Facebook page and recorded for viewing in the future, if you are unable to attend the webinar. Please note that this webinar will be held in English.


Feo Poukhovski-Sheremetyev (Moderator)

ACCESS OM National Youth Council
Medical student at University of Ottawa

Kevin Friese

ACCESS OM University of Alberta
Assistant Dean of Students, Health & Wellness

Emily Saunders
ACCESS OM National Youth Council Co-Lead

Allison MacNeil
PhD. Student in Clinical Psychology, McGill University

Gina Dimitropoulos
Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Calgary