Province of New Brunswick
Our New Brunswick team is made up of youth and their supporters, First Nations, community, researchers, decision makers, and service providers. New Brunswick was chosen as a site for this research project because it is representative of Canada. It is bilingual, diverse, urban, and rural. Download the ACCESS OM NB Project Overview
About Us
Meet our Partnering Communities
As the only province-wide demonstration site, we work with Partnering Communities (PCs) around the province to provide safe spaces and support for local communities and youth. Our Partnering Communities are currently located in:
Elsipogtog Health & Wellness Center
Nancy Milliea
Elsipogtog Youth Center Supervisor
205 Big Cove Road
Elsipogtog, NB E4W 2S1Tel.: (506) 523-4741
Email: ElsipogtogAccess.Clinician@ehwc.caP.E.E.R. SJ
Teri Vienneau & Geraldine Seaward
28 Richmond Street,
Saint John, NB E2L 3B2Tel.: (506) 658-5374
Email: PEER.SJ@gnb.caCentre de Bénévolat de la Péninsule Acadienne
Isabelle Godin
ACCESS OM NB Clinician
220, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, suite 100
Caraquet, NB E1W 1A5Tel.: (506) 727-1866
Email: sfp2@nbnet.nb.caFor general inquiries or to become involved in the ACCESS OM NB project, please reach us at
Our Approach
New Brunswick’s challenges
In the Children and Youth Rights and Well-being Snapshot, the New Brunswick Health Council and the Child and Youth Advocate reported that:
- In New Brunswick, the rate of youth hospitalization due to mental health issues in 2013-2014 was twice the Canadian average.
- Many NB youth report that they are unhappy with the mental health care they receive.
New Brunswick’s SolutionWe will work to make sure that all New Brunswick youth have timely access to community-based mental health care. We will listen and work with youth and their supporters. We will look for people and organizations that offer support to the community already. We will work with them to find out what other support is needed. Our suggestions will be tailored to each community, recognizing that each is different and unique.
ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick Research and Evaluation PlanDuring the project, we will collect and analyze information to see how our work makes a difference in the lives of youth in NB.
Our Team
Vickie Plourde
Primary Investigator
Laure Bourdon
Research Coordinator
Krystelle LeBlanc
Administrative Assistant
News & Events
ACCESS Open Minds NB Partnering Communities get together in Elsipogtog First Nation
Read more about the meeting here: Report-face-to-face Meeting Elsipogtog 2018 (June 6, 2018)
Following the 2017 ACCESS Open Minds NB event in Caraquet, approximately 40
people from the ACCESS Open Minds NB program met for two days at the Elsipogtog First
Nation Youth Center. The Elsipogtog ACCESS site hosted young people who are receiving
ACCESS mental health services, social workers, researchers and family members from the
three ACCESS OM / ES NB sites, namely Elsipogtog, Caraquet and St John.ACCESS OM NB partners with Medavie (March 26, 2018)
ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick and the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation announce a partnership with Medavie. Read about it here:
#MyDefintion Campaign: Started in 2014 by the Student Union at the University of New Brunswick, and run by Lee Thomas, #MyDefinition is an online and print poster campaign (well… a combination of a lot of campaigns!) which aims to smash stigma and spread the message: your mental health is a part of you, but it does not define you. ACCESS OM NB invites you to meet six of our brave faces who are working in their communities as mental health advocates and leaders.
ACCESS OM NB announces Partnering Communities! (May 4, 2017)
ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick (ACCESS OM NB) is pleased to announce partnerships with three provincial community organizations that will enable them to open their doors to young people struggling with mental health challenges and improve access to integrated mental health care. Click here to download the press release.